About Me

Coffee drinker, crisp muncher, dog stroker, hill walker, shell collector, apostrophe appreciator, love lover, list maker.

A County Down lass, I grew up near Holywood before succumbing to the pull of London. There I spent much of my adult life until the axis-tilting experience of having children drew me back to the motherland, the place I have always called home.

Before becoming absorbed by the complete joy of wedding celebrancy, my working life was mainly dedicated to secondary teaching. Being an English teacher was dreamy: losing myself in wonderful books, plays and poems while taking increasingly agreeable teenagers along on the ride; supporting young people on their individual journeys in and outside of the classroom; relishing being able to give as good as I get with the craic from charmingly cheeky rascals every day. Since having my own two little ones, however, I have stepped back from the classroom (and now get my daily dose of cheekiness from around the dinner table!).